Sunday, July 8, 2012


I don't think there's any other word in the english language that sounds so wonderful.  Especially when you can say I am on vacation!  I am taking some of my vacation days now. I get three weeks(15 days) and 3 personal days.  I spend alot of time plotting and planning when I am going to take them.  They are very precious to me because they mean easy breezy carefree time with my children.  I will drag into work sick so I can save my personal days for summer vacation.  I mean after all I only have 18 days to play with.  So I need to use them wisely.  So I had the fourth off as a paid holiday then I used a few of my vacation days and together with my normal days off I'm off until the 11th!  Yeah!!!!
I have been very lucky with the weather everyday has been absolutely beautiful.  We are staying home and just enjoying being together.  This is how I spent one of my sunny days.

Sitting on my deck enjoying some quiet reading time as the day is just starting to wake up(and my boys are still sleeping) and the birds are chattering and singing.
After that strenuous activity I spent about an hour floating around on this.  While the boys slept on.  Yes they are teenagers and it is summer vacation after all.  I have to admit as much as I like jumping and splashing around in the pool with them it was nice to have some peaceful floaty time.
Next it was time to check out my garden it's really coming along great.  I counted 20 green tomatoes!  Finally the boys woke up and we enjoyed the rest of the beautiful sunny day outside together.  Yup vacation is definately one of my favorite words!!!!

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