Thursday, August 15, 2013


When I was a little girl my mom used to sing me a song about the autumn leaves.  She would sing it to me when we were in the backyard under our huge oak trees while I was swinging in my swing set.  I loved that song and I sang it to each one of my boys when they were little.  I haven't thought about that song in a couple of years, but this morning I started singing it while I was unloading the dishwasher like I have been singing it everyday.   I guess I started singing it today because it felt like a fall morning, it was chilly and the wind is rustling through all of the trees in my backyard.  It's an absolutely beautiful day.  I have all the windows open and the air smells fresh and clean.  Of course when I started singing the song it made me think of my mom.  I could almost hear her voice and see her picking up the pretty leaves and singing me the song as I would swing higher and higher on my little red metal swing set.  As I went about my housework today the song kept swirling through my head and I started wondering where that song came from.  So I did what  I always do when I want to know more about something I googled.  And this is what i found Come Little Leaves is actually a poem written by George Cooper who died in 1912.  So my mom must have learned it from her mom or maybe it was something she learned to recite in school.  I wish that i had asked her where she learned it.  I wish she were here right now so I could ask her.   So in case you have never heard this poem or song as I knew it I thought I would share it with you.
                                       Come little leaves said the wind one day
                                       Come over the meadow with me and play
                                       Put on your dresses of red and gold
                                       Summer is gone and the days grow cold
                                       Soon the little leaves heard the winds loud

                                       Down they came fluttering one and all
                                       Over the meadows they danced and flew
                                        Singing the soft little songs they knew
                                        Dancing and flying the little leaves went
                                        Winter had called them and they were

                                         Soon fast asleep in their earthy beds
                                         The snow lay a soft mantle over their heads

Isn't that beautiful?  Thank you mom for teaching me that song.  I don't think people do that enough anymore these days.  I don't think they teach their children   the basic simple nursery rhymes.  Children sit and watch HOURS of television and I see babies as little as one year old holding   i pads  and actually using them! That's crazy we need to get back to a simpler time.  Please share with me the rhymes and songs you were taught as a child I would love to hear them  Thanks for visiting.

P.S. I thought I would include some pretty pictures I took on a beautiful fall ride last year.                                  

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