Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Next Crochet Project

Day two of back to work and WOW my feet feel like they are going to fall off!!!  I got home around 4:30 and I laid down on my sons bed to chat about his day with him and I fell asleep for almost an hour.  I did feel a little better when I woke up but the feet are still throbbing.  I ate a healthy meal of vegies and soup and then I finished the fingerless gloves that I was working on.  Remember these?

                                                                                                                                                                    So now I'm trying to decide what project from the book that I'm going to tackle next.  I have a few that I really like.  First  there's this one.........

This is a beautiful chunky scarf.  It could really be worn as a small shawl.

I also like these.............

These are pretty crochet bowls.  You could store so many things in them!
 I am definitely going to make some of these for Christmas gifts..........

Don't these look like old-fashioned Christmas decorations?

But I think that I'm going to make these my next project.  They are so pretty!  Now I just have to decide on the yarn..............

These are adorable!

I will hopefully start on these tomorrow after work when I'm sitting with my aching feet propped up!!!

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