Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Next Crochet Project

Day two of back to work and WOW my feet feel like they are going to fall off!!!  I got home around 4:30 and I laid down on my sons bed to chat about his day with him and I fell asleep for almost an hour.  I did feel a little better when I woke up but the feet are still throbbing.  I ate a healthy meal of vegies and soup and then I finished the fingerless gloves that I was working on.  Remember these?

                                                                                                                                                                    So now I'm trying to decide what project from the book that I'm going to tackle next.  I have a few that I really like.  First  there's this one.........

This is a beautiful chunky scarf.  It could really be worn as a small shawl.

I also like these.............

These are pretty crochet bowls.  You could store so many things in them!
 I am definitely going to make some of these for Christmas gifts..........

Don't these look like old-fashioned Christmas decorations?

But I think that I'm going to make these my next project.  They are so pretty!  Now I just have to decide on the yarn..............

These are adorable!

I will hopefully start on these tomorrow after work when I'm sitting with my aching feet propped up!!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Tired feet!!!!

Well I made it through my first day back to work............barely.  My feet are killing me!  It was nice to see my friends and hear people say they were glad to have me back, but wow my feet are rebelling!  I worked from 11:00 to 7:30.  I got home ate some microwave pancakes , flicked through the t.v. a bit and decided I was too tired for anything.  So now I'm in bed with my lap top.  I'll probably read some of my favorite blogs then go to sleep.  I work 7:30 to 4 tomorrow.  Oh Boy!!!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Going Back To Work

It's Sunday night and I am feeling very blech!  The reason for the mood is because I have to go back to work tomorrow.  I have been out for eight weeks on a medical disability leave.  I definitely feel better than I did a couple of weeks ago, but I really don't think I'm ready to go back to doing what I have to do at work.  I work in retail and I'm on my feet all day and I do a lot of bending and lifting and pushing and pulling.  Today I did quite a lot of housework, laundry, cleaning the bathroom and vacuuming and I feel sore tonight.  I'm really scared that I'm going to hurt myself by working.  I mean I know I have to go back because I need the money.  I'm broke!!  I can't lose this job.  It would be very hard to find a full time job to replace it.  But I don't want to do any damage to myself.  I worked on my crochet a lot while I was recovering.  It would be great if I could support myself by working part time and selling my crochet pieces.  That is my ultimate goal.  I am going to set up a store on etsy and try to sell at some craft shows.  That's proving to be a little difficult because all of the shows seem to always fall on my weekend to work.
 My latest project that I have been working on is a really pretty pair of fingerless gloves.


The yarn I used is this beautiful soft cashmino yarn.  I have actually owned it for over a year but I couldn't decide on a project that was worthy of this gorgeous yarn!  I'm not kidding I actually started two different projects with this yarn, a hat and an infinity scarf, and I ripped them both out because I thought it was a waste of such nice yarn.  Then a couple of days ago I got this awesome book out of the library and I fell in love with these!  I knew right away that I had found the right project for my precious yarn!


I'm so happy with the way they came out.  I'm definitely going to make them in a few other colors.  There's some other interesting projects in this book that I'm going to have to try.  I could be delightfully happy just spending my days crocheting and crafting.  It is truly my hearts desire!!!!                

Thursday, August 15, 2013


When I was a little girl my mom used to sing me a song about the autumn leaves.  She would sing it to me when we were in the backyard under our huge oak trees while I was swinging in my swing set.  I loved that song and I sang it to each one of my boys when they were little.  I haven't thought about that song in a couple of years, but this morning I started singing it while I was unloading the dishwasher like I have been singing it everyday.   I guess I started singing it today because it felt like a fall morning, it was chilly and the wind is rustling through all of the trees in my backyard.  It's an absolutely beautiful day.  I have all the windows open and the air smells fresh and clean.  Of course when I started singing the song it made me think of my mom.  I could almost hear her voice and see her picking up the pretty leaves and singing me the song as I would swing higher and higher on my little red metal swing set.  As I went about my housework today the song kept swirling through my head and I started wondering where that song came from.  So I did what  I always do when I want to know more about something I googled.  And this is what i found Come Little Leaves is actually a poem written by George Cooper who died in 1912.  So my mom must have learned it from her mom or maybe it was something she learned to recite in school.  I wish that i had asked her where she learned it.  I wish she were here right now so I could ask her.   So in case you have never heard this poem or song as I knew it I thought I would share it with you.
                                       Come little leaves said the wind one day
                                       Come over the meadow with me and play
                                       Put on your dresses of red and gold
                                       Summer is gone and the days grow cold
                                       Soon the little leaves heard the winds loud

                                       Down they came fluttering one and all
                                       Over the meadows they danced and flew
                                        Singing the soft little songs they knew
                                        Dancing and flying the little leaves went
                                        Winter had called them and they were

                                         Soon fast asleep in their earthy beds
                                         The snow lay a soft mantle over their heads

Isn't that beautiful?  Thank you mom for teaching me that song.  I don't think people do that enough anymore these days.  I don't think they teach their children   the basic simple nursery rhymes.  Children sit and watch HOURS of television and I see babies as little as one year old holding   i pads  and actually using them! That's crazy we need to get back to a simpler time.  Please share with me the rhymes and songs you were taught as a child I would love to hear them  Thanks for visiting.

P.S. I thought I would include some pretty pictures I took on a beautiful fall ride last year.                                  

Monday, August 12, 2013


In two weeks I will be going back to work after being home for eight weeks.  I haven't been on vacation I have been recovering.  I had surgery  at the end of June and have been unable to work.  I haven't been able to do much, I had lifting and walking and even driving restrictions.  So it definitely was not a vacation.  I couldn't even go swimming!  But there was a lot that I could do.  I could sleep as much and whenever I wanted to.  I could sit back and allow other people to vacuum, and do the laundry, and do the dishes.  Being a single mom of three boys it's very rare if ever that happens!  I could read an entire magazine straight through.  I could snuggle into a nest on my couch and get lost in a favorite book for hours.  I could watch hours and hours of mindless ridiculous t.v. (o.k. I'm a little sick of t.v. for awhile).  I could crochet A LOT!!  I started many many projects and even finished quite a few.  I had yarn everywhere I sat and I left it sitting around for days.  It felt good during my first two weeks of recovery when I barely moved from the couch to be surrounded by my yarn.  I would crochet for awhile, sit it down and take a little nap then crochet some more when I woke up.  But one of the best things that I was able to do was be home all day, everyday with my boys.  Since it was summer no one had school and I was able to spend a lot of time with them.  They took good  care of me.  My youngest had my bed all made up for me on the couch when I came home from the hospital and surrounded me with my favorite things.  My middle son cooked for me everyday.  We are both vegans so he knew what my favorite things were to make.  My oldest son stayed with me in the hospital while I was having surgery and brought me home the next day.  He also ran errands for me once I was home.  All three went grocery shopping.  There is no way that I could have recovered from this as well as I did without them.