Saturday, January 28, 2012

                                                       What a pretty day!!!!!

     It is a beautiful day today!!  It's about 45 and sunny.  We have had such great weather this winter.  I really don't like snow and cold so it's been the ideal winter.  I know for some people who really like the snow it hasn't been so nice.  Sorry.  But when I get up in the morning and don't have to shovel out my car to go to work it's a good day!!  It's also a good day today because my oldest sons' best friend is staying with us for a few days.  They have been friends since the eighth grade and have remained close even after he moved a few hours away.  He's really like another son to me.  He even calls me mom and sends me cards on mothers' day.  He gets along really well with my other two sons also.
     I work in retail as I have told you before and sometimes have crazy hours.  Well today is one of those crazy hour days.  I go into work tonight at 9:30 and I work until 6 in the morning!!  That sounds like fun doesn't it?  But wait it gets even better then I do the same thing on Sunday night Yeah!!!!!!  Oh well it does give me the days off to get things done around the house.  I'll go up to my dads' later today for a visit and bring him some of my homemade chili.  He loves chili and I make a pretty good vegetarian chili if I do say so myself.  I enjoy my visits with my dad.  We chat a little watch some T.V. and usually have a cup of coffee together.  It's comfortable and relaxing.  It always makes me feel good to be in the his house it makes me feel close to my mom.  I still painfully miss her.  I would just love one more of our mother daughter chats that we indulged in at least five times a day.  But I know she's watching over me and I will get to be with her again someday.
     You may wonder why I have named my blog fuzzydelicious.  Well fuzzy delicious is a something I came up with when my boys were little.  A favorite blanket was soft and fuzzy and cuddly.  I would say here is your fuzzy blankie when I took it fresh from the dryer.  They would snuggle in it and I would say isn't that a snuggly wonderful blanket it's fuzzy delicious!!  The boys loved that they would giggle and say fuzzy delicious!!!  So other things got the name stuffed animals, socks, jammies.  Now years later we still use that saying.  Right now our kitten Zelda is a great example of fuzzy delicious.  So I thought I would share her sweet picture with you!!
     So enjoy and look for some fuzzy delicious moments in your life today!!!!! 

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