Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My first post!!!

Welcome to my very first post to my brand new blog.  I am so excited to get started.  I have wanted to start a blog for quite a long time.  The desire was there it has just been hard to eek out enough time to actually get it started.  Let me start by telling you a little something about myself.  I'm a single mom of three wonderful boys.  Well young men really, They are 21, 18, and 14.  I also live with a great lovable doggie, Charlie, who is really another child.  Charlie is 12 years old so he grew up with the boys.  In July we added to our family by adopting an adorable kittty named Zelda (yes the boys named her after the video game) She is a black and white tuxedo cat and I am hopelessly in love with her!!  In my spare time, which there is never enough of, I like to crochet and do other crafts.  I have always kept a journal so I feel that this is going to come quite naturally to me.  I do follow quite a few blogs and they always brighten my day when I finally sit down to relax in the evening and there is a new post on one of them to read.  Over time they feel like friends.  I hope that eventually my blog will be like that for someone else.  So please enjoy, come back often and tell a friend.  I'll be here!!

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