Tuesday, January 1, 2013


A new year is usually when people make resolutions.  Things they are going to do to better their life.  Perhaps to be more healthy or find a new job.  I have made these type of resolutions in the past and have usually broken them in a few weeks or even days.  This year I'm only going to make one resolution, to be more kind to myself.  I usually say I want to find a better job instead of saying I'm proud of myself for keeping the same job for ten years that has supported myself and my three children all on my own.
I'm also going to allow myself time to escape into my craft world without feeling guilty that I should be using that time to accomplish housework,(those dirty dishes can wait.)
I think alot of people especially women could benefit from a resolution like this.
I can't believe I have now lived a whole year without my mom.  I somehow made it through without her to talk to when I was dealing with illnesses, work problems, and children issues.  I can't begin to tell you how many times I went to the phone to talk to her about a problem or a joy before it hit me that I will never be able to do that again.  A whole year I can't believe it.  I miss her every day.  Sometimes so much my heart aches.  I have had a rough few years so that's why I decided on this resolution.  I really feel a need for some tender loving care.  I feel if I take better care of myself the rest will fall into place.  I need to find some peace and joy in the new year.  I plan to blog each day to keep myself on track.
I wish everyone a happy and blessed new year.

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