Friday, June 29, 2012

Pink Toes!!!!

Do you want to know what's making me happy right now?  The sight of my newly painted pink toes!!

To me it's not officially summer until I have painted my toes.  Put the patio furniture on the deck, take the pool cover off, paint my toes Ta-Da! Summer!!  My mom was always the same way she always had her toes painted in the summer.  I have some very happy childhood memories of the two of us sitting in the living room with pieces of tissue between each toe as she painted our toes.  Always Pink!  Always with polish that my mom had bought from our Avon lady.  (remember when everyone had an Avon lady come to their house?)  I don't paint my toes in the winter because here in upstate New York my toes are usually bundled under two pairs of socks.  My feet are always cold in the winter.  But in the summer I am usually barefoot or I am wearing flip-flops.  So a couple of days ago I went to my local K-mart and looked at the nail polish.  That simple act like so many things made me miss my mom so much I thought I was going to cry.  I almost didn't pick one out then on the bottom shelf I saw a bunch of nail polish for 67 cents!  And sitting there was this pretty bottle of pink polish.

So I bought it and that night as I sat in my room alone and painted my nails I thought of my mom and I smiled  and knew she was smiling with me and approved of the color that I picked out and I didn't feel alone at all.  That's why the sight of my pretty pink toes makes me smile.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

same day

Sorry I hit publish then realized that I didn't include a picture of my garden. I'll get better at this I promise!

Sunny day

Today was a gorgeous day!!  There wasn't a cloud in the sky.

I got to enjoy some outdoor time before I had to go to work at 2:30.  I took the solar cover off the pool and enjoyed about an hour or so of pool fun with my youngest.  It was very hard to stop the fun and get out to get ready for work.  Oh well I guess we need food And electricity so I better go off to work each day huh?  My garden is coming along really well.  We had a couple of days of rain at the beginning of the week and now it's nice and sunny.  That makes for perfect growing weather!  I planted my garden a bit late this year.  I'm sure some of you are already enjoying veggies from your gardens.  I would to know what you all planted.  Drop me a note and tell me about your gardens.  I'll leave you with a picture of mine.  Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Way Too Long!

I can't believe it's been four months since my last post.  The very reason I started this blog was the thing that was keeping me from writing in it.  I started it when I had recently lost my mom and I thought it would make me feel better to get my thoughts out at the end of the day.  However at the end of the day all I wanted to do was crawl into bed with a good book and forget the world.  I didn't really want to think about anything.  I guess I was going through a depression.  Thoughts of my mom were always there.  Good thoughts of wonderful times her and I spent together and horrible thoughts of her last few days when I sat by her bed and watched her suffer in pain and there was nothing I could do but hold her hand and tell her I loved.  As time marches on I am able to talk about her with my dad and my boys and even laugh at some of the funny things she used to do.  I know it's going to take a long time to heal but I think now I am ready to get back to my blog and remember that there are good things in everyday.  So please come back often.  I look forward to getting to know you!  Here's a couple of good things from our Sunday afternoon.