Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentines Day hearts

I know it's a little late to be making my valentines' post but I have been very busy.  I thought about just skipping it and talking about something else but I really want to share two things with you.  One is the heart shaped pizza I made for my boys for valentines' dinner!!

That's my youngest pointing out a big crust bubble.  I was so happy with how it came out!!!  My boys were pretty impressed too.  So now do you see why I just had to share this picture with you?  Even if it is four days late.  Now the second thing I want to share is  the day before valentines day I finally saw a movie that I have been wanting to see for quite a few months.  The Help!!!!!  My girlfriend and I both read the book and we were going to go see the movie when it was out in the theater, but we never got the chance.  Then my middle son gave me the dvd for Christmas.  It has taken my girlfriend and I this long to have a day free together so we could watch the movie.  She came over to my house and we had a nice lunch together then we settled in the family room and got comfy and enjoyed the movie.  We both liked it.  We were glad however that we read the book because some parts of the movie moved so fast and were confusing.  But overall we enjoyed it and had a wonderful time.  Lunch with a good friend and a good movie is a very good way to spend a day off!
I would like to leave you with an adorable picture of kitty Zelda.
 She truly knows how to live in the moment!!!!!!!!!!
 I have one more picture for you it's of my equally adorable dog Charlie.
This picture was actually taken yesterday for some reason I can't ever figure out how to set the date on my camera.  I know don't laugh I'm a little electronically inept.  My youngest always has to help me whenever I want to put a picture in my post!!  Oh well I will eventually learn!  Talk to you soon.  Enjoy your weekend!                                                    

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